Legal notice

Mühlenwinkel 1
33428 Harsewinkel, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)52 47-12 0
E-Mail: infoclaas@claas.com
CLAAS Group Legal Notice
CLAAS Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien mbH
Register of Companies: Gütersloh District Court,
Register of Companies (HRB) No. 3027
Individually liable shareholder: Helmut Claas GmbH
Register of Companies: Gütersloh District Court,
Register of Companies (HRB) No. 2980
Executive Board:
Jan-Hendrik Mohr (Chairman of the Group Executive Board)*
Henner Böttcher*
Dr. Martin von Hoyningen-Huene*
Christian Radons*
Thomas Spiering*
*General Managers of Helmut Claas GmbH
Chair of the Supervisory Board and of the Shareholders' Committee: Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser
VAT ID No.: DE 160 410 788