Silage quality
Whether it is a matter of producing short-chopped silage for biogas customers, extremely long-chopped maize silage processed as SHREDLAGE or forage with a medium length of cut and excellent kernel processing – you can always count on optimal results from the CLAAS JAGUAR. The JAGUAR works precisely and meets the highest standards for crop processing.
With CLAAS, quality always comes first. In everything we do. It begins with the reliability of our machines and ends with the quality of the harvested product that is stored and used as feed. There is always a correlation – which has been verified by recognised studies – between forage and milk quality or between silage for biogas and the resulting gas yield. We build the JAGUAR the way we do because of the decisive role it plays in determining the quality of the chopped material it produces.
The CLAAS JAGUAR is the first choice of farmers and contractors when it comes to producing quality silage. Our forage harvester has proved itself in this role for 50 years now. The JAGUAR is the specialist machine for harvesting and chopping maize and other crops – and doing so with extreme precision.
Ideal for biogas customers
The JAGUAR is able to harvest not only maize but also other crops, such as grass, grains and many other plants, which are used for the production of silage or forage for biogas facilities. Harvesting at the right moment is a prerequisite for obtaining the best silage quality. Ever narrower harvest windows require that as much as possible be harvested in the shortest possible time. This time factor, which is an essential characteristic of agriculture today, means that the JAGUAR's capacity for processing large crop volumes in a short time makes it the ideal machine for customers who operate biogas facilities. Equipped with its MULTI CROP CRACKER MAX corncracker, it processes the crop with a high degree of kernel splitting and optimal plant conditioning. The processed output which the MCC MAX is able to produce from harvested material with a length of cut up to 3 millimetres longer has been shown to be comparable to conventionally processed silage. This increases the operational flexibility of the JAGUAR with regard to crop processing for a variety of applications.
Good forage, higher milk yield, greater meat mass
The JAGUAR is also ideal for supporting dairy farming and bull rearing. Equipped with the MULTI CROP CRACKER SHREDLAGE, it takes maize silage with a length of cut of 22 to 30 millimetres and processes it precisely and efficiently to produce well-structured forage with the highest degree of kernel cracking. SHREDLAGE silage maize conditioning technology increases the surface area of the chopped plants many times over, thereby increasing the physical effectiveness of the maize silage in the rumen. This is good news for both livestock and farmer. It has been proven that optimally processed forage means an increased milk yield or a higher carcass yield from finishing bulls. The result: more milk, more meat, and healthier animals.
The ideal machine for ideal silage
The JAGUAR offers extremely precise chopping and a very high standard of processing – the foundation of quality silage. Another advantage is that the JAGUAR series comprises various models and configuration options in order to meet farmers' diverse requirements. Machines can be specified for particular harvesting conditions and requirements. CLAAS guarantees perfectly matched components: front attachments for a wide range of applications, chopping cylinders for short to long lengths of cut, and the MULTI CROP CRACKER CLASSIC, MAX and SHREDLAGE corncracker variants to ensure the highest standard of kernel processing.
The CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester impresses with its reliability, efficiency and versatility. To own it is to own the perfect machine for perfect silage.